This trash can was a removal from a client earlier in the year. Bees had moved into the can last fall – and overwintered… however when they tagged the homeowner a few times – he decided it was time to call me.
I brought the bees home with me – and figured I would move them out of the trash can as soon as I made time. With them bearding outside the can last week (see photo) – it was time!
Once I opened up the side of the can, I saw that it was a MESS inside. The previous owner of said trash can had almost FILLED it up with sticks & cutting debris. The comb was all intertwined in the twigs – so I was only able to salvage about half of the brood-comb… Even with that – I was able to save about 10 frames of comb. There was a LOT – but it was a messy removal (and not with honey).
After the move from trash can to box – which took about 2.5 hours of careful work, there was still about the same amount of bees bearded on the outside of the new box. I added another medium sized box to the deep a day or so later, and with cool weather – they all finally went in – and are now performing as they should.
(Update – 1 week later, I have given them time to settle. After checking the hive and frames of comb that was salvaged – I did find that fresh eggs have been laid – so they DO have a queen, even though I have not caught sight of her as yet)
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