
Swarm and Potential Trapout

The homeowner called about a swarm – and told me that the bees were coming and going from a hole in a tree.  Usually – there is just the bees in the tree and the customer may not know what terms to use.  In this case, there truly was a swarm, as well as bees (colony) in a tree.

Img_1927_smThe bees on the branch were only about 15 feet from the hole in the background of the trunk of the tree.   The customers will be deciding on whether or not to have me perform a trapout service for the bees IN the tree – and requested that I remove the active swarm from the branch so that they would not take up residence in the soffit of their home.

Very docile bees!  And they will be on their way to Harmony Hollow Apiary this evening.

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