
2025 Honeybee Removal Information

Rex Smith’s Honeybee Removal – 2025


*** As of January 2024 – Rex Smith / Harmony Hollow will no longer be performing structural removals of honeybees ***

I am referring people to the following resources for bee removals:

Ft Worth area – Richard Siegrist – – 214-864-0695

Dallas Area: Ryan Giesecke – Honeybee […]

Varroa Mite Management with your hives

Varroa mites are the latest finding in the plight of our agricultural (and hobby) European Honeybees. The Varroa Destructor is known to be a vector (carrier for diseases) for several viruses, including (but NOT limited to:)

SacBrood Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) Black Queen Cell Virus (BQCV) Nosema Apis Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus (CBPV) Lake Sinai […]

Stargate Bees – Downed Tree Limb

This property houses a Stargate portal to an inter-dimensional bee hive located in a tree limb that fell from it’s host tree last summer.

The rotted section of limb fooled me at first (as this WAS performed on April 1 !) – and the bees were ABOVE the knothole, instead of below it.

The queen […]

One House, Two Hives

This homeowner knew that she had bees for “a little while” – however, really could not pinpoint exactly how long. There were two spots that the bees were entering and exiting the home – so there were two possibilities: Either there was one LARGE hive, with two entrances…. or there were two separate hives – […]

One Bee’s Trash (can) is another Bee’s Home…

This trash can was a removal from a client earlier in the year. Bees had moved into the can last fall – and overwintered… however when they tagged the homeowner a few times – he decided it was time to call me.

I brought the bees home with me – and figured I would move […]

2016 Honeybee Removal Information

Rex Smith’s Honeybee Removal – 2016

If you are in need of having a honeybee swarm picked up, or a full colony of bees removed from a structure – please see the following links for my contact information: (These same links are in the top menu bar on this website as well.)

Also please […]

Bees Removed from Joist Space in home – Denton, TX

(Video below)

These bees had a GREAT demeanor! They have been in the joist space for about 2 years according to the comb color and condition.

When I found the queen – I carried the comb down off the ladder to capture her in my queen cage – however she fell off the comb on […]

Aggie Bees – Dynamite Shed

The Dallas Texas Master Gardener program (Texas A&M University) is taking over a new (to them) property – but an old dynamite shed on the land has had honeybees in the walls of it – off and on – for the last 25-30 years. After being called out to evaluate the situation, and starting the […]

One House – Two Hives

1 House, 2 Hives. According to the neighbors, both of these hives have been in existence for well over 10 years. I believe it – with the hard, black propolized comb. Both hives were in the joist space between floors of a 2-story home.

Hive #1 had bees that were very gentle to work with, […]

Winter Removals – Why *not* to do them

I’m often asked by a homeowner to perform a honeybee removal in the winter. My removals are “live” removals – and I do not kill the honeybees to remove them.

Education about aspects of the honeybee’s lives is essential to let homeowners know why I generally choose to NOT remove bees from someone’s home, tree, […]