
Rainfall and the Effects on Nectar

In North Texas – the 2024 spring season gave me a false hope of being a good honey production year. The first weeks in March provided the beginning of a decent nectar flow from the plants that were in bloom leading up to that week. Several hives proved to me that nectar was being brought […]

The State of the Bees – June 11 2024

11 June 2024.

An update on this year’s honeybees.

Rain Rain Rain!

We have had MUCH more rain this year than the last 10 year average. Of the locations that I manage hives – the rainfall has been between 55% and 80.0% higher than the last 10 years’ average rainfall.

The highest actual rainfall – […]

Bees for 2021 Season


I wanted to send out a message to remind anyone on the fence about needing bees for the 2021 season – that Harmony Hollow ( Rex Smith ) is currently adding to the list for NUCs to be produced this spring. If you think you’ll be needing more colonies – don’t hesitate to contact […]

Ag Valuation with Honeybees

Agricultural Valuation – aka “Ag Exemption” – with Honey Bees

Do you own 5 to 20 acres? Are you interested in saving hundreds, maybe even thousands on your property taxes each year (especially by preventing rollback taxes!) ? Are you a land developer that has properties that need to maintain Ag Valuation until building can […]

Brownsboro… by way of Ben Wheeler

An out-of-town military serviceman had been stationed on the east coast – and while renovations are being done to his Texas home – it was decided that it was TIME to take out the honeybees, so that other repairs could proceed.

He mentioned to me that he knew the bees had been there a while […]

Somewhere Over the Bedroom

Honeybees moved into this space over a bedroom (in the joist space between floors) about a month and a half ago.

The bees were not a problem for the homeowner, however, they were concerned for the safety of their dogs – so called to have the bees removed.

The bees are entering at the junction […]