
Compost Bin Bees – Removal – Garland, Tx

The first removal of two today. Honeybee removal from a compost bin. They probably have been here around 2 months from the comb condition. Found the queen quickly, and they have a fantastic demeanor.

I leave them until after sundown, and pick them up after they have all clustered into their new home.


Bee Tree – Trapout Completion follow-up

This honeybee trapout has been completed after about 3.5 weeks.

The queen DID come out, and has joined her workers in the 5-frame box. She is laying worker eggs, and there are worker eggs, larvae, and capped brood as well as a little drone brood. Looks like a good pattern so far – though it […]

Swarm Season / Too Much Rain

I do not think that in 45 years, I have ever seen as much rain as we have received here in North Texas over the last two months. Too much rain can be detrimental to our agriculture.

Besides the obvious problem of erosion of our topsoil, there are other problems with too much rain. When […]

One House – Two Hives

1 House, 2 Hives. According to the neighbors, both of these hives have been in existence for well over 10 years. I believe it – with the hard, black propolized comb. Both hives were in the joist space between floors of a 2-story home.

Hive #1 had bees that were very gentle to work with, […]

Mouse Guards Installed

Several weeks back, I inspected the hives, and in one of the empty nucs, found a mouse nest – with a single mouse living within. I had forgotten about installing mouse-guards when I was reducing the hive entrances and adding covers under the screened bottom boards.

I did a quick check in the hives before […]

PVC Pollen Substitute Feeder – Follow Up

Here’s a Christmas day follow up for my pollen feeders that I installed last Saturday. We had a sunny day that was nice (but windy) – and the bees were ALL OVER the pollen sub. (I use Mega-Bee from Mann Lake)

After 5 days, we have a warm day (~55 deg. F) that allows me […]

Mountain Dulcimer – Love Song – by Rex Smith

Rex Smith plays a personally written song on Mountain Dulcimer. Dulcimer has a more rich and full sound than indicated in the video. Dulcimer built by Terry Cannon. Inspiration to play – by Bing Futch (look up his Dulcimerica videos!).

This was take 1 – and has plenty of mistakes in it – but it’s […]

Rose City Farmer’s Market

Rex selling our honey at the Rose City Farmer’s Market in Tyler, Texas.

This is our “Recycled Sunshine” honey. This honey is made by our own bees from hives that we manage.

Recycled Sunshine Honey

Recycled Sunshine Honey




Build in Arlington – Day 1

Tired. More got done today than is in today’s pictures. Will post more tomorrow.

Where the building goes

Skids & Floor Trusses

Side Walls & My Helper


Honeybee Swarm and Colony Removal

I have added a page specifically for honeybee removals – in preparation for the 2012 Spring Swarm season.

If you, or someone you know has a swarm of honeybees that have clustered in your yard, trees, on a fence, under the eve of your home, or on your playground equipment, then give me a call. […]