
Preparing for the 2015 Beekeeping Season

Lots of work is in the planning stages for the 2015 beekeeping season. There are boxes to build, frames to assemble, foundation to install – oh – and did I ever mention a barn to build at Wolfsong Farm? This should give me a secure space to keep my beekeeping woodenware and equipment.

Plans are […]

Frozen over in N. Texas

This has been a winter of winters so far this year – and we’re not even officially to winter, yet!

I’m anxious to get out to the bee-yard and assess the hives. Once the ice and nastiness melts away, and the fields are dry enough to drive in – I’ve got a few hives to […]

November Swarm

Late swarms sometimes happen.

I received a call Friday morning about a swarm that occurred – most likely from another beekeeper who was out of town for the day. A neighbor contacted him about a swarm that had been found in her yard – behind his home. They found them while their tree-trimmers were working […]

Spring Splits made

Yesterday I picked up 4 new queens with which I have made 4 new hives from my original hive that was 3-deeps of brood/stores + 2 supers on top. This should make the original hive much more manageable – and provide the nucleus frames and some genetics for many hives to come in the future.


Beekeeping Podcasts

I wanted to share a few of the podcasts that I listen to in regards to beekeeping. If you read this, and are aware of others that I should take a listen to – then please send me a note to let me know what the link is – and I’ll evaluate it.

Organically Managed […]

Hive Check

We have had a few cool nights this week, with temperatures down into the mid 30’s (deg. F). When today’s temperature got up to about 50 deg. F, I decided to go ahead and check the hive. Going into winter, I had put in 4 lbs of dry sugar onto the inner cover, then covered […]

Urban Sustainable Ecosystems Symposium

Spent all day today at the Texas Discovery Gardens ( ) – manning the Texas Honeybee Guild booth for the “Urban Sustainable Ecosystems” symposium. ( )

Day two looks to be a great list of speakers scheduled as well! Amber and I will finish painting our hive woodenware before heading out to day […]

Back to beekeeping

December 31, 2011. It’s supposed to get up to 70+ degrees here in Richardson, so I’ll spend the beautiful day outside, building swarm traps for this upcoming spring.

The design is from Rob over at

I’ll tip up a glass in a toast for a bounty of bees this year!

Honeybee Swarm and Colony Removal

I have added a page specifically for honeybee removals – in preparation for the 2012 Spring Swarm season.

If you, or someone you know has a swarm of honeybees that have clustered in your yard, trees, on a fence, under the eve of your home, or on your playground equipment, then give me a call. […]

The Bee Yard – Equipment Growth

Deeps, Mediums, and more….

This fall, I made the investment in a few more hive bodies for the growth of the honeybees.

Added to the hardware:

(5) – 10-Frame “Deep” hive bodies (15) – 10-Frame “Medium” hive bodies (100) – “Medium” frames

and I still need to procure about (100) “Deep” frames, and another (50) […]