
Bathtub Bees

The homeowners had been unable to enjoy their back yard, as honeybees had taken up residence in a wall facing their back yard.

When evaluating the honeybees, I noticed that the wall had a bathroom on the inside – with the tub located to the inside of where the bees were entering. When I put […]

Chimney Cap Bees

I received a call about honeybees in a tree – (a swarm) that had emerged from a known colony in a chimney. I arrived and got the swarm settled into a box – then evaluated the cause of the problem… The chimney bees….

Thie chimney was capped with cement. The plywood backer underneath had […]

Tree House Bees – Round 2

A year ago, I posted a story about 2 hives that were removed from a tree-house. This spring, a fresh swarm from the property found its’ way to the tree-house again – and moved into the joist space under the decking. The pic does not do the removal justice…

These bees were EXTREMELY polite (maybe […]

Roof-Top Bee Removal

This client called me to look at the bees last summer. She was not ready at the time to have them removed – so called me recently with the green-light to proceed.

In the past, someone had sprayed expanding foam into the entrance of the beehive. Unfortunately, honeybees can chew their way through the cured […]

911 Swarm Factory

Last week, I received a call from a customer who had been referred to me by the 911 dispatcher on the other end of his frantic phone call about a swarm of bees in his tree. I removed the swarm fairly quickly – and as I was about to leave he says “My neighbor has […]

Swarm and Potential Trapout

The homeowner called about a swarm – and told me that the bees were coming and going from a hole in a tree. Usually – there is just the bees in the tree and the customer may not know what terms to use. In this case, there truly was a swarm, as well as bees […]

Tree Limb Swarm

A short snippet of film… These bees swarmed from a Langstroth hive, and were found about 15 feet from the hive location – and about 10′ up the tree. I scooped them onto a small lid, and poured the first cluster into the hive body – which has a queen excluder underneath it to keep […]

Underground Storage Tank Bees – Trapout

There is no telling how long ago the honeybees moved into an under-slab storage tank. This tank was built into the slab of a commercial warehouse building – and has sat unused for YEARS. The new owners of the property want the bees to be gone, however did not want to have them killed. After […]

Water Valve Box – Honeybee removal

According to the homeowner, honeybees have occupied this water valve box for the last 2-3 years. The comb was dark, and a bit tough to cut – so that supports the time-frame that she estimated.

The valve box was about 18″ deep into the ground, so the comb was DEEP. The queen looks to be […]

Bee Season has begun!

Though the “swarm season” may have another week to go before it hits fully (and it WILL after a full week of rain next week) – customers from North Texas are already calling for removals of bees that have established in areas of their homes, trees, and yards.

Yesterday was removal #7 for the 2016 […]