
De-Crystallizing Honey – DIY

One of my best harvests this summer was from a few hives that had been near a LOT of mesquite trees while they were in bloom. The honey is some of the lightest, sweetest honey that I have seen.

Unfortunately, though, mesquite nectar tends to crystallize. Quickly. Did I mention that it gets granular and […]

Observation Hive – DIY Beekeeping Project

Earlier this summer I built an observation hive which holds one frame from a Langstroth hive. This hive is a great tool for teaching at events where I speak and interact with the public regarding the importance of our pollinators.

The oak wood as well as the plexi sides and the hardware were all obtained […]

Pollinators Documentary

Below is a link to a fantastic 17 minute documentary on solitary bees (hosted on So many more pollinators are just as vital to the health of our Earth – not just our European honeybees.

Bees Removed from Joist Space in home – Denton, TX

(Video below)

These bees had a GREAT demeanor! They have been in the joist space for about 2 years according to the comb color and condition.

When I found the queen – I carried the comb down off the ladder to capture her in my queen cage – however she fell off the comb on […]

Canadian Bee Removal

These bees MUST be Canadian – because they are so polite! The story told by the comb is that they have been here for about 2 months, and that the queen is a fertile and well-laying queen with a solid brood pattern. Plus they are hard-working bees that are bringing in a good amount of […]

Skep Hive Transferred to a Langstroth Hive

These bees moved in to a “yard art” straw skep about a year ago. The top 2/3 of the skep was capped honey, and the bottom 1/3 was brood comb. The queen was found after all the comb had been removed and was placed in the commercial Langstroth hive. The homeowner wanted to keep the […]

Compost Bin Bees – Removal – Garland, Tx

The first removal of two today. Honeybee removal from a compost bin. They probably have been here around 2 months from the comb condition. Found the queen quickly, and they have a fantastic demeanor.

I leave them until after sundown, and pick them up after they have all clustered into their new home.


Bee Tree – Trapout Completion follow-up

This honeybee trapout has been completed after about 3.5 weeks.

The queen DID come out, and has joined her workers in the 5-frame box. She is laying worker eggs, and there are worker eggs, larvae, and capped brood as well as a little drone brood. Looks like a good pattern so far – though it […]

Bee Truck Maintenance – New Fuel Tank, Pump, and Filter DIY

The bee truck needed maintenance – when I bought it – the fuel pumps (both!) had rusted completely – so I put a new pump into the front tank. The tank had rust in it – so I knew it would be sooner or later than I would need a new tank, and another pump […]

Laura’s Bees

This was the first of two removals today. Great bees – but too close to Laura’s cement pond 😉 Scooped the queen in probably the first handful that I grabbed from the cluster after pulling out the comb. They all moved into the box today, and will head to the bee yard (or an observation […]